Project Whakatupuranga involved redevelopment of the Nelson Hospital campus to meet future needs and to address current infrastructure issues, including required seismic upgrades. The project was initiated with an Indicative Business Case and Site Masterplanning exercise with refinement of options through the subsequent Detailed Business case and then (in response to HNZ direction) resubmitted as a Programme Business Case.

ClientHealth New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough
LocationWhakatū Nelson
StatusCompleted 2023

Extensive site analysis was undertaken with the consultant team (including building services, structural and seismic disciplines) to establish a baseline for the redevelopment of both the site-wide infrastructure and clinical facilities. Significant work was undertaken with regards to data collection and projections for inpatient beds, outpatient activity and staff numbers which was used to inform the outline schedule of accommodation and subsequent development of the redevelopment options. A long list of redevelopment options were produced and these have since been assessed to produce a short list of options. The short list option development and completion of the masterplanning report was completed in 2019.

This was progressed to Detailed Business Case (DBC) and options were developed for redevelopment of the existing Nelson Hospital site. The options for the whole campus included future phases involving partial demolition and upgrade of existing facilities with a new acute services building (ASB) and inpatient unit (IPU), alongside various approaches to the retention and upgrading of the existing Percy Brunette building, demolishing of the whole theatre building and partial of George Manson for seismic safety.

After lodgement of the DBC in 2022, feedback from the Te Whatu Ora review prompted a resubmission of the business case as a Programme Business Case (PBC) for the full provision of the programme requirements for Nelson Hospital Redevelopment. Some of the original constraints including budget and seismic assumptions underlying the DBC decisions were reviewed options to retain the existing George Manson and Theatre buildings were reconsidered.


During the PBC process, options were to develop the options included. All options provided for the following functions in either a new ASB, new or refurbished inpatient unit and repurposed existing facilities.

The proposed new ASB and IPU will include:

  • Emergency Department
  • Acute Assessment Unit
  • Satellite and Acute Radiology
  • Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory
  • Operating Theatres (Including Endoscopy and Procedure Suite
  • Central Sterile Services Department
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU/CCU/HDU)
  • Front of house and amenities
  • Delivery suite
  • Transit Lounge
  • Staff Support
  • Clinical Support such as Pharmacy, Laboratory and Blood Bank
  • Commercial Services such as Waste Management and Loading Dock
  • Central Plant Area for services
  • Total 258 beds in Phase 1 - Phase 4, for Medical/Surgical, Child and Youth, Maternity, AT&R and Older Persons Mental Health Services